Melissa's Blog

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Well, Today is Saturday. Tommorow is church. Im not positive that Im going because I am sick. I have a cold and a fever. Im a little better tonight than I was this morning, but not completely better. Yesterday we went on a field trip with out homeschool group. We went to a museum in Nashville that had a bunch of Egyptian stuff. It was ok, but I couldnt really enjoy it that much because my throat was hurting. So when I woke up today I realized I had more than a sore throat. I have a cold. I'll prob be better tomorrow but you never know. When we were driving back from Nashville, one of the people from our group called us a said there was a tornado warning ahead of us. So we stopped at a McDonalds along with several other families in our caravan. But God protected us and we didnt even see the torndao even though it was sposed to go right past the McDonalds. I was so scared. The clouds were weird looking. When we had got past the storm and looked at it, It was a HUGE mushroom cloud. Looked like an atom bomb had gone off. But it was just the thunderhead. My dad had called from Missisippi where he works and had seen the cloud from far away. He said It was the biggest thunderhead he had ever seen. Not much happened today. I slept a lot and read and stuff, cause I was stuck on the couch. My dad took my brothers dove hunting when he got off work, but I storm started about right when they left so they had to come back. So anyway, Its getting late, and I need to go to bed.

Goodnight everyone who diligentely visits my site! (SARCASM) lol.


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