Melissa's Blog

Friday, November 03, 2006

All right an update. Happy? Good.

You wanna know something scary? This is the 3'd birthday in our family in a row that I am getting a bird. Im getting a little freaked out here. I got my first bird, Cricket, on my b'day. I got my second bird Chloe, a month later on Seth's b'day. Now on Samuels b'day I am getting yet another bird.Hey, I didn't plan it this way people! (Except for my first bird of course.) But this time it is not a parakeet. I am getting a cockatiel name Alathia. A family at our church is giving it away. It can say "pretty bird" and can whistle "Be Thou my Vision". Plus it is tame and friendly. A big difference from my keets.

Anyway, I was gonna by pressy of our 4-h club in our homeschool group, but I backed out of it today because I found out I have to say stuff in front of people, so forget that!

The basement is coming along. We are about to start painting. Hm... Oh wanna hear a joke? Ok, I'll tell it to you anway.
2 robbins just woke up and they were hungry. So they decided to fly down to the groud to eat. They found so many bugs, they ate like crazy. They ate unitl they were so fat they couldnt fly. "Lets bask in the sun a while since we are so warm and full." said one robin to the other. They both fel asleep and didnt hear the cat. The cat ate them before they even had a chance. The cat walked away smiling, "I just love Baskin' Robins"


  • At 12:15 PM, Blogger Melissa said…

    Really!! Why didnt you tell me on the phone?! Gosh Jordan...


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